Mental arithmetic involves numerical calculations with the human mind, without external aids or devices like a calculator. Most people use mental arithmetic when computing with calculators are unavailable, when it's faster than normal means of calculation or in an economic competition. Mental calculation is based on knowledge and understanding of the subject matter, while mental arithmetic is used in the classroom to develop numerical skills such as addition and subtraction, division and multiplying. While using mental arithmetic in the classroom, students learn to use their mental processes and use different kinds of tools including mental pictures and images, and the ability to manipulate numbers in their head. Some mental arithmetic exercises involve simple counting and measuring tasks, while others involve more complex mathematics, such as complex geometric shapes and graphs.
When using mental arithmetic in the classroom, teachers need to be clear about what types of calculations students should make with the help of their calculators and other tools. Using mental arithmetic in the classroom does not always mean making mental calculations; it could simply mean using their mental processes to count something. Teachers need to make sure that students understand the difference between mental calculation and mental arithmetic. Using mental arithmetic involves the use of the mind rather than the calculators, which can only calculate based on the information the student provides to the calculator. When students come across instructions to perform calculations without the calculators, they need to know whether they should make mental calculations or not. When students fail to comprehend the differences between mental arithmetic and mental calculation, they often make mental calculations when they come across such instructions. Teachers need to know what types of calculations students should be making with the calculators so that they are able to explain to them the difference between the two types of calculations.
In addition to teaching students the different types of calculations, math teachers should also have math games that allow students to practice the various types of mental arithmetic, such as addition and subtraction and division. It is important for students to have fun in math class. Having fun in math class helps them to learn, and learning in math class makes them better prepared for their future careers. Math fun is one way for teachers to improve students' learning skills and enhance students' aptitude for math. Math fun activities encourage students to be active learners by helping them apply and analyze the math concepts. Students should have fun in math, but they should not become bored because math becomes difficult once a student gets bored and loses the interest of learning.